You’ll Have To Speak Up, I’m Wearing A Towel

That’s me in the headphones. The nice doctor gave me a head massage and then stuck some things on me, including the headphones. She then proceeded to give me a hearing test. Those were some weird noises. Not too weird I guess. I slept through most of it.

The end result was that I passed the test with my right ear and YOU’LL HAVE TO SPEAK UP WHEN TALKING TO MY LEFT EAR.

Just kidding. The test isn’t very precise and sometimes they want to do a more thorough examination. I will have to leave my room and go visit the eye and ear specialist so they can complete the hearing tests for my left ear.


This was after mommy whispered something into my left ear. I pretended I couldn’t hear her. I can’t believe she fell for it!

It Takes Two

Today I am over 4lbs! My breathing machine and isolette are on on their lowest settings too. And I hardly ever pull my feeding line out. Well, ok… that last one isn’t really true yet but the other ones are. I’m making great progress!

The nurses are great. Look what they made for Zachary and I. He’s got big feet. I think he’s going to be a basketball player.






Comings and Goings

I’ve had many visitors and a couple of milestones recently. First off, my nasal cannula went back in. That’s ok. My breathing machine is on it’s lowest setting and they nurses will try removing it again in a couple of days.

More importantly, I’ve raised the roof. My isolette is completely open now! I can keep my body temperature up on my own and no longer need to be confined to a controlled climate. Check me out, hangin’ with Mr. Hoppy. It’s so nice with the top open, especially in the spring time.





And guess what the nice weather brought? Visitors. Check out these characters that came in today.

The P is Silent

Ha ha!

Today daddy came after work and did my care. This included taking my temperature, changing my diaper, and cleaning out my ostomy bag. He has done this many times and is pretty good at it!

After my care he held me. What I didn’t tell him was that when he diapered me not all of me was in the diaper, if you know what I mean. The nurse and I couldn’t stop laughing when, thirty minutes into holding me, a look of concern crossed daddy’s face and a big wet spot developed on his sweater. Poor daddy!

Spa Day

Today started off so relaxing. The nurse dressed me in another nice fluffy gown and fed me. I didn’t even have to do anything. I barely even had to wake up. Everything seemed so promising.

But then Zachary got upgraded to a private suite! I thought he was abandoning me at first but then he told me he was moving next door to make room for a very sick baby that needed some of the special equipment in our room. I got to stay because I can tell the new baby that everything will be ok. Dr. Doody is coming back to operate. I’m sure everything will work out.

Just before the new baby moved in both mommy and daddy got to hold me. This is the first time they’ve both been able to hold me on the same day. I’m such a lucky boy.


Zachary is off of his breathing assistance and I’m not far behind. I moved one step closer today and hope to catch up to him by this time next week. I’m making great strides in my recovery and look, and act, a lot like I did before my procedures.




Moving and Shaking

Notice anything different about me?



Ok, here is a hint. I’m sure you’ll get it if you nose about enough. Still no? Come on! It’s right under your (actually, my) nose! I promise I won’t turn my nose up at you for not seeing it right away.

Fine. I’ll tell you, but I cannula believe you didn’t get it! They took me off of supplemental oxygen and removed my nasal cannula. You can see my whole face now and I look great.


Know what else happened? Grandma Buchholz visited me in my new room (go talk to Henry about my big move) and held me. It was so nice. I mostly slept. And spit up a little. And made a new best friend!

Meet Mr. Hoppy. He’s soft. And he sings to me. Today was a very big day.

A lot happened and now it’s time to sleep. Zzzz….








Look Ma, No Breathing Tube!

The doctors took out my breathing tube on Sunday! I saw mommy and daddy briefly and most of my day was spent resting and recovering from the discomfort caused by it’s removal. But don’t worry, I am much more comfortable now and doing very well.

It’s been a few days since my last update. That is a good thing! It means that things are going as expected. My swelling is going down, I am being weaned off of my sedative still, I am getting more and more food each day, and I am off of humidity in my isolette. All good things! And guess what?

Because of my progress they let me wear actual clothes just like a real boy! Check out the sweet robe they gave me. I feel like I’m at a luxurious spa! Now, back to sleep so I can build my strength and weight.

Hey Good Lookin’




I’m doing well. No news is good news. Nothing to see here. Just a man changing into his pajamas.







Oh? You think I’m adorable? Why thank you. That’s very nice of you to say. My Cousin Emma got me this particular outfit and it’s already one of my favorites. I just love dogs. Don’t you? Maybe Emma can find one in your size too.






UPDATE: In a previous version of this post I said the outfit was from my Grandma Moore. I was mistaken. Sorry Emma! I love you!


I am Galactus, Devourer of Worlds!

I know. You’ve seen photos of me like this before. Someone is holding me and my head is sticking out from my warming blanket. This one is different. It comes with a story.

For several days I’ve been showing signs of being ready to feed from the breast. I wake up as feeding time approaches, move my mouth around, stick my fingers to my face, and lick anything I can reach. Today when I was lifted out of my isolette to be held I turned my head back and forth on the person’s chest and tried to find something to suckle. As part of my search I licked and drooled all over the place. Everyone was excited!

Unfortunately daddy was holding me and not only was there nothing to feed on, he tasted like saw dust and grass clippings. A real manly and real disgusting taste. Yeck!