Reverse Brain Suck

I decided it was time to give Henry his brain back after I sucked it out a week or so ago. He did not see that coming!

And here he is a little while later. Still in shock. I’m sure he’ll get over it.








Lazy Sundays

Never mind that it’s Wednesday. Or that it’s 8:30pm. I’m just getting around to starting my day with Nana. I see my coffee there on the table. Now if only I could get Nana’s attention and have her bring it over to me. And if I could get out of my awesome sleeping bag. Notice the lions? They’re a symbol. Just like they are the king of the jungle, I am the king of my crib! Roooar!

Henry keeps babbling on about his weight. I guess it’s important since it helps mommy and daddy know if they are doing the right things and keeping me healthy. I’m 11lbs, 10oz!






Father’s Day. Attack!

My preparations are complete. It’s almost time to launch Operation Brain Suck!

Look at him sitting over there all unawares. Yes, that’s it! Go to sleep little Henry.

There’s my opening!

Mmmmm…. brains!

Mission accomplished. Time for a victory nap.









Bro Time


Nothing like a little monkeying around with the brother to tire you out. It’s so good to be home so I can play with my little brother again. Also, check out my stylish hat. I hear that my Great Uncle John favors such hats. Truly he must be great! I can’t wait to meet him.

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig.


Wait, home again? I’ve never been ‘home’ before but Henry tells me it’s a great place to be. I met the big furry guy in charge that Henry has been talking about and immediately demanded to be fed. He yelled something and mommy quickly made me a bottle. I got to hang out with Henry while I was waiting for my bottle. I love my brother. And I love my new home.