Comings and Goings

I’ve had many visitors and a couple of milestones recently. First off, my nasal cannula went back in. That’s ok. My breathing machine is on it’s lowest setting and they nurses will try removing it again in a couple of days.

More importantly, I’ve raised the roof. My isolette is completely open now! I can keep my body temperature up on my own and no longer need to be confined to a controlled climate. Check me out, hangin’ with Mr. Hoppy. It’s so nice with the top open, especially in the spring time.





And guess what the nice weather brought? Visitors. Check out these characters that came in today.

One Comment

  1. Jorj Buchholz

    hey, Mr. Z:
    this is PJ (character #3 in the line up above). I just want you to know that those tears I had when I held you came mostly from that odor arising from your diaper combined with the happiness of getting to hold a big lump like you!
    I’ll be back for a repeat in a couple of weeks….
    and by the way….You have wonderfully sized feet – perfect for hoops and rock climbing and such. I am currently in discussions with Vibram to make a line of tiny toes for you and your bro. It won’t be too long before you get loose and I want to be ready.
    That’s all for now – you keep eating your 1200 calories a day – I’ve tried to get to 60,000 a day in order to match you pound for pound but I pretty much top out at 5000. I just don’t know how you and Henry eat that much!
    But keep it up. Love PJ.

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