It Takes Two

Today I am over 4lbs! My breathing machine and isolette are on on their lowest settings too. And I hardly ever pull my feeding line out. Well, ok… that last one isn’t really true yet but the other ones are. I’m making great progress!

The nurses are great. Look what they made for Zachary and I. He’s got big feet. I think he’s going to be a basketball player.






One Comment

  1. Jorj Buchholz

    Hey, Henry- PJ here. I was in last weekend to check you out but you were taking a nap so maybe you don’t remember me peeking into your glass house? Anyways, I agree – Zachary might be on his way to being an NBA star in a few years but from the muscles and meat you have on your bones I’m predicting that you will win the 2034 Olympics as a 190 lb. wrestler!
    You got the moves – so keep moving and pumping (maybe some iron in a bit)… and the spots on Daddy’s clothes are proof of what goes around comes around, so have at it!
    I’ll be stopping in again soon and if you make weight maybe we can start on our wrestling practice.
    XXX’s & OOO’s : PJ & GP

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