Moving and Shaking

Notice anything different about me?



Ok, here is a hint. I’m sure you’ll get it if you nose about enough. Still no? Come on! It’s right under your (actually, my) nose! I promise I won’t turn my nose up at you for not seeing it right away.

Fine. I’ll tell you, but I cannula believe you didn’t get it! They took me off of supplemental oxygen and removed my nasal cannula. You can see my whole face now and I look great.


Know what else happened? Grandma Buchholz visited me in my new room (go talk to Henry about my big move) and held me. It was so nice. I mostly slept. And spit up a little. And made a new best friend!

Meet Mr. Hoppy. He’s soft. And he sings to me. Today was a very big day.

A lot happened and now it’s time to sleep. Zzzz….








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