Zzzzzzzzzzzz is for Zachary!

What can I say? I’m living the good life. People feed me. People bathe me. People clothe me. People hold me close while I sleep. I’m taking advantage of all they have to offer here! I’ve put on several pounds in the last few weeks and now weigh nearly 9 1/2 pounds. If you haven’t seen me in a while you probably wouldn’t recognize me now.

I still have my feeding tube in, unlike Henry. Mommy, daddy, and the nurses keep trying to get me to take my entire meal by bottle and I keep falling asleep halfway through. I can’t help it. I just like to sleep. Sleep is where I’m a viking!

Just about the only bad thing about this place is the papa… papa… paparazzi (that’s a big word). Every time I open my eyes there is a camera in my face. Can’t a guy just get some peace and quiet?! Anyway, I’ve got some dreams to catch up on. Good night.





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