Homer-ward Bound!

 The last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful. Eat. Sleep. Eat. Sleep. Eye exam. Sleep. Eat. Wrestle with Zachary. Sleep. Eat. Repeat, more or less. Daddy would like you to think that is the reason there haven’t been many updates. He might also try to tell you it is because he’s been busy setting up cribs and changing tables and bassinets at home. The real reason is that he’s been busy watching Capitan America, Thor, and Ant-Man. Without me. Jerk.

I’m sick of not being included in all of the fun and I figured it was about time I do something about it. So on Sunday night I pulled out my feeding tube. See? That led to the nurses leaving it out. I knew I was ready!

On Monday I heard the nurse tell Mommy to bring my car seat in for the car seat test. I took the test late on Monday night. Not only did I pass the test with flying colors, the nurses said that I did things in that car seat that they hadn’t seen since the great Boudin Thériot scored a perfect 10 on all three score cards back in nineteen dickety two. It’s such an honor to be compared to a legend.

Since I can keep myself warm, eat on my own, breath on my own, and have been spell free for more than five days I get to go home tomorrow! Yay! I’m in a good mood so here are some more photos of me for you to look at.

Really dad?

Mom, you’re the best!









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