Much Ado About Nothing

No procedure to close me up today. Just a lot of rest. The doctors and nurses say I continue to show signs of improvement and even rolled me over today. My silo was contacted to simulate the pressure that will be created when I’m closed and I showed no negative reaction. This is good. The doctor said he’d like to close me up tomorrow. This was a more definitive statement than yesterday’s and I really believe it will happen tomorrow.

One Comment

  1. Jorj Buchholz

    well good morning, Mr. Henry! Aren’t you a perky one? I just reviewed your “Gallery” of photos and no matter what you do, you make yo Momma and Pops smile. I don’t know how you do that but keep it up (mom’s and dad’s can be grumpy sometimes so keepin’ them smiling is a very good thing). Have a great Thursday and please write again soon – we all enjoy your ability to keep everything in perspective :-).
    and let us know when you are ready to ‘jailbreak’ that place as we have a spot in our hearts for you anytime.
    Love you,
    PJ (Poppa JorJ) & Granny P.

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