Believe You Can And You’re Halfway There. -Theodore Roosevelt

So, what happened today? Let me see… hmmm… well, actually, nothing happened. And that’s great! I was left to rest and recover over the past forty eight hours and my body is reacting well to the surgery and treatments. My temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure are all stable and at acceptable levels. I am off post surgery blood pressure medicine and my breathing tube settings are pretty close to the minimum. I have displayed no signs of regression at all!

My recovery has gone so well so far that there are tentative plans to remove my silo and close me up tomorrow. The doctors originally said it might take a week before I was ready for that procedure. Another doctor said I am in better shape than any other baby recovering from this surgery that she has ever seen. This does not mean I’m out of the woods yet but it has given mommy and daddy great hope!

Today the emotional roller coaster is on its way back up. It’s been a dizzying ride for the past four days and the wonderful nurses and doctors at MGH have helped ensure a path back to the top.

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. It means a lot to me to know so many people love me.



  1. Vicky

    I am very impressed with how well you are doing. You strong, determined, little one. I know you will pull out of this and be wrestling with Zach in no time.
    Love, Grandma v.

  2. Allena Buchholz

    Much love to you Henry. I told your dad, but I’ll tell you too that I ‘m eating ice cream for you cause kids who arent feeling well should get ice cream (from aunties). Its coffee, so I hope it doesn’t keep you up. Keep getting better. Much Much love.

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