The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face. -Jack Handy

I have had so many visitors in the past few days! Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Marty, Cousin Emma, mommy and daddy’s friends Dave, Deran, Colin, and Kari, and Deran’s parents Tom and Dora. I am growing so fast and I’d love to have more visitors! It is so much fun. So, if you’d like to meet me let mommy and daddy know.

It was such a great weekend that I even gave mommy a nice kiss.



Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

Well, she’s not really my auntie. She’s my cousin and I met her for the first time today! She touched my head and I held her hand. She’s so nice to me. I love her.

I was so excited that I met cousin Emma and uncle Marty for the first time today that I pooped on mommy! Daddy couldn’t stop laughing. I think I’ll do that again sometime.

I also gave mommy a little kiss on her finger to let her know I still love her. Despite her being covered in poo.





Halcyon Days

It has been a while since my last post. Worry not for you have missed little. I have been sleeping and eating. Eating and sleeping. And once a day sleeping in mommy or daddy’s arms while eating. I have my challenges and mommy worries about me but nothing of what I am going through is abnormal. Some spells of bradycardia and apnea that would normally be the center of attention and that’s about it. I am doing very well.

Big news yesterday though. I am officially over 3lbs! I now weigh in at 3lbs. 1 oz.


Grandma Moore came to visit today! Oh, and mommy and daddy too. But I’ve met them before. Grandma Moore came all the way from Charleston, South Carolina. I was happy to see her and even happier when she held me in her arms.







Gosh Darn It, People Like Me!

Look at all those cards! There must be a million! I’m not so good with numbers yet but I do know a million is a lot. Thank you everybody!

Yesterday I had a blood transfusion. No, it wasn’t the blood Henry gave a couple of days ago. And no, they didn’t give me blood because I’m a vampire (how cool would that be though?). It’s because I’m a bit anemic. This is common in premature babies and everything went well. I’ll be healthy enough to get out of my vampire coffin… err… isolette before you can count to a million!

“Everybody looks at their poop.” ― Oprah

Mommy got to listen in as the doctors did their rounds this morning. She heard about how much weight we gained (10 grams for me!) and how many poops we had yesterday. I kept the nurses busy with six poops, and Henry only had three. Henry made up for it this morning, though, with quite the whopper – a massive 22 ml diaper explosion that seemed to impress the nurse and Mommy. I’m pretty proud myself.





Two Weeks? Two Weeks!

Yesterday I turned two weeks old. Look how excited I am! Mommy and daddy didn’t visit. They were at home stocking the nursery and letting mommy recover. She seems to be getting better every time I see her!

As for me, I’m making some great progress. I’m past most, if not all, of the early exams and tests and I passed them all! My meals keep getting bigger and I am putting on weight. I now weigh 2lbs 10oz again. I lost some weight immediately after birth which is normal for all newborns. It’s great news for me that I am handling my food and gaining weight. It’s bad news for dad. He has to change my poopy diapers. Poor dad.




Breathe In. Breath Out.

Remember when I explained all of my wires and tubing to you? I mentioned that the oxygen tubes into my nostrils helps me when I sometimes forget to breathe. Well, recently I’ve been forgetting more often. This isn’t abnormal for a man my age and even though there is no sign of infection the nurses have started me on an antibiotic just in case. That’s how I got the nifty leg attachment. It ensures I don’t flex my foot and move the IV around. Henry had one a while ago and everything he can do I can do better!

On a more positive note my bilirubin levels have remained low ever since my light treatment was stopped and the nurse said I’m fully off the blue light now!

Are you my daddy?

In case you thought Henry was the only one to escape his isolette I present proof to you that I can do anything he can do. Here I am with my daddy. He’s a very handsome man. I hope I grow up to be just like him!

That tape on my nose helps keep my oxygen tubes in. I like to pull on them because why not?