
Grandma Moore came to visit today! Oh, and mommy and daddy too. But I’ve met them before. Grandma Moore came all the way from Charleston, South Carolina. I was happy to see her and even happier when she held me in her arms.








  1. Vicky Buchholz

    Hello Zach,
    Tell your brother to get well soon.
    Happy Easter to you, too. Did the Bunny bring any treats? I hope so.
    Also, say hello to Grandma Moore.
    Much love, the other Grandma

  2. Jorj Buchholz

    Mr. Zachary,
    We are hoping to come up and hug you very soon – so eat up and get ready to puke on me & Miss P!
    Love you tons,
    Grandpa JorJ & Grandma P.

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