Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up The Fight

It’s only four days post surgery and look at me now! I was able to get up and cuddle with mommy. I am doing very well. All of my vitals look fantastic, I’m am almost completely off of my sedatives, and they’ve moved me off of the oscillating ventilator to a normal one. I expect to be back to my non-invasive breathing assistance very soon.

I still have a lot of water weight that my body built up during recover so it is hard to tell where I am in my growth but we will know soon enough.





One Comment

  1. Jorj Buchholz

    YEAH Henry! You are doing such an awesome job! We love you so much. Keep it up and soon you’ll be big like Zachary! love gramma P

    Once upon a time I thot I was tough. No longer. You are THE man! I am off to try on one of Grandma P’s dresses….

    Keep on fighting – I will always dress funny.

    Love, PJ

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