Carpe Vitam

Oh, hello. How are you? Did you know that the large intestine in an average adult measures over 5 feet long? Mine now measures 0 feet. But that’s ok. I can expect a a complete recovery and fairly normal life. Mommy and daddy will be learning more about what to expect long term over the next few days and weeks.

My procedure yesterday included the surgeon examining the rest of my intestine to ensure there were no signs of additional necrotizing enterocolitis and then closing me up. Thankfully the team saw nothing of concern and was able to complete the procedure. This is a giant step toward moving me out of critical condition.

I have one final procedure to close up a stoma that the doctor created to help me heal. This will happen when I’m bigger. The doctor suggested he’d like me to weigh around five pounds for this operation. This is a relatively small procedure compared to the two I’ve already have and the risks should be correspondingly small.

I am very thankful to the wonderful doctors at MGH including Dr. Doody (hehehe), Dr. Larue, Dr. Darci, Dr. Bates, and Dr. Horowitz. There are way too many great nurses I have to thank and would like to say a special thank you to Alison, Tammy, Tasha, and Amy.

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