Please Bear With Me – I’m Having Technical Difficulties

Get it? “Bear” with me! Because I have a bear on my band-aid. No? Ugh. Mommy tried to tell me that nobody would laugh at daddy’s jokes.

Grandma Moore came to see me tonight and I saw her holding Zachary. While daddy was getting me ready to be held by mommy the nurse noticed some concerning symptoms. She called a doctor in to have a closer look at me and the doctor ordered a couple of x-rays. The good news is that the symptoms and x-rays showed nothing definitive. The bad news is that the doctors think there is a chance I have an early stage of “neck ties on Snuffleupagus” (editors note: ‘necrotizing enterocolitis’).

The doctors are confident that I will get better and are treating it aggressively. I already had one IV in for antibiotics (that’s what the band-aid is for), and now I have had a breathing tube reinserted, had an extra IV put in for sustenance , and will not be be fed solid(ish) food for at least 72 hours. The doctors will have a better idea of what is going on in the next 24 hours.

If you do lookup my condition please pay no mind to prognosis information as it varies greatly from site to site. Just remember that there is no better place in the country for me to be right now and there is every reason to think I will make a full and speedy recovery.

One Comment

  1. Vicky

    Hey Henry,
    Hope you work through this issue quickly! In the meanwhile I hope the Easter Bunny finds you and leaves lots of treats.
    Many hugs,

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