Zzzzzzzzzzzz is for Zachary!

What can I say? I’m living the good life. People feed me. People bathe me. People clothe me. People hold me close while I sleep. I’m taking advantage of all they have to offer here! I’ve put on several pounds in the last few weeks and now weigh nearly 9 1/2 pounds. If you haven’t seen me in a while you probably wouldn’t recognize me now.

I still have my feeding tube in, unlike Henry. Mommy, daddy, and the nurses keep trying to get me to take my entire meal by bottle and I keep falling asleep halfway through. I can’t help it. I just like to sleep. Sleep is where I’m a viking!

Just about the only bad thing about this place is the papa… papa… paparazzi (that’s a big word). Every time I open my eyes there is a camera in my face. Can’t a guy just get some peace and quiet?! Anyway, I’ve got some dreams to catch up on. Good night.






There I am. Getting fed. I love being fed. I used to be fed exclusively through a tube. I could eat and sleep. I was a real multitasker. A while back I mentioned that I was getting special time with mommy to learn another way to feed. And now I’m learning an even different way. I have to be awake to eat sometimes now. I can’t simply sleep through it. I kind of liked it better before but this is what mommy and daddy say I have to do if I ever want to come home. I plan to be a quick learner.

This isn’t my first bottle. Daddy gave me my first bottle and I drank it all up. But mommy didn’t take pictures of it.

(Note: A nurse actually gave me my first bottle in the middle of the night but it seems important for daddy to think he gave me my first bottle so I’ll humor him for now.)


Update: Mommy actually did have photos. Both of daddy feeding me and of my first bottle!









The New Digs

Well, it hasn’t even been two days and I was just getting used to the peace and quiet (can you tell?) and guess who turned up like a bad penny? Yeah. That guy. My brother Henry. I didn’t even get to show you my new setup before he staked his claim! Anyway… here is what the place looks like. That’s him in the background of the bottom photo.




















Doing Work

Another day older, another day wiser. This getting bigger thing is tiring work! I fed with mommy again today and now I’m all tuckered out. Things have been pretty uneventful – in a good way. I haven’t done much over the past few days besides get more food through my feeding tube, learn more about feeding with mommy, and get weighed. I’m over 5 1/2 lbs now and by the end of May I could be over 8 if I keep eating well. That would be amazing!

The nurse says I have another big meal coming soon. I had better rest up!











Just another chill day hangin’ in the crib. Things are going very well. I’ve been spending a lot of time with mommy learning how to eat properly. And daddy has been holding me a lot too. I still have my supplemental oxygen though. Hopefully that doesn’t last too much longer.