Grand Entrance

Hi Zachary! I’m here!

I missed you big brother. I’m glad we’re back together again. We’re going to have so much fun together.

Also, I miss all the nice nurses from the NICU. Do you?





I am off all breathing assistance (the CPAP machine)! Yay! I don’t even need supplemental oxygen like Zachary. And I passed my hearing test! Zachary has to go back for another test. Not me! Things are really starting to look up for me. .

Like Zachary, I am also learning how to feed properly and this means spending a lot of time with Mommy. I like that. I have another eye exam tomorrow so I’m going to get some rest now.






All Thumbs

You know how you can tell that I am doing well? While recovering I managed to sneak my thumb out of my hand wrap and into my mouth. It helps me calm myself down. And it looks cute. So there.

I’ll be fully recovered from this silly infection before you know it!




Ups And Downs

It has been a while since I last wrote to you. Rest assured, I have not forgotten about you. I had to conserve my energy to fight off an infection I picked up on Tuesday. It’s been a week full of pokes, prods, and discomfort. The doctors started antibiotics immediately. Even before running any tests. The tests were the same as the first time I had an infection. Blood tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, and a spinal tap. The x-rays and ultrasounds showed some air in my intestine that is a sign of infection. None of the blood tests or spinal tap came back with anything though. Earlier today the doctors finished up the last of the tests and have prescribed rest with full confidence that I will be back to my normal self in a few days. So look for me to be back posting selfies then!

It Takes Two

Today I am over 4lbs! My breathing machine and isolette are on on their lowest settings too. And I hardly ever pull my feeding line out. Well, ok… that last one isn’t really true yet but the other ones are. I’m making great progress!

The nurses are great. Look what they made for Zachary and I. He’s got big feet. I think he’s going to be a basketball player.






The P is Silent

Ha ha!

Today daddy came after work and did my care. This included taking my temperature, changing my diaper, and cleaning out my ostomy bag. He has done this many times and is pretty good at it!

After my care he held me. What I didn’t tell him was that when he diapered me not all of me was in the diaper, if you know what I mean. The nurse and I couldn’t stop laughing when, thirty minutes into holding me, a look of concern crossed daddy’s face and a big wet spot developed on his sweater. Poor daddy!

Spa Day

Today started off so relaxing. The nurse dressed me in another nice fluffy gown and fed me. I didn’t even have to do anything. I barely even had to wake up. Everything seemed so promising.

But then Zachary got upgraded to a private suite! I thought he was abandoning me at first but then he told me he was moving next door to make room for a very sick baby that needed some of the special equipment in our room. I got to stay because I can tell the new baby that everything will be ok. Dr. Doody is coming back to operate. I’m sure everything will work out.

Just before the new baby moved in both mommy and daddy got to hold me. This is the first time they’ve both been able to hold me on the same day. I’m such a lucky boy.


Zachary is off of his breathing assistance and I’m not far behind. I moved one step closer today and hope to catch up to him by this time next week. I’m making great strides in my recovery and look, and act, a lot like I did before my procedures.




Look Ma, No Breathing Tube!

The doctors took out my breathing tube on Sunday! I saw mommy and daddy briefly and most of my day was spent resting and recovering from the discomfort caused by it’s removal. But don’t worry, I am much more comfortable now and doing very well.

It’s been a few days since my last update. That is a good thing! It means that things are going as expected. My swelling is going down, I am being weaned off of my sedative still, I am getting more and more food each day, and I am off of humidity in my isolette. All good things! And guess what?

Because of my progress they let me wear actual clothes just like a real boy! Check out the sweet robe they gave me. I feel like I’m at a luxurious spa! Now, back to sleep so I can build my strength and weight.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Brain Sucking Starfish

I got fed real food for the first time in over a week today! Not much. Just enough to test my reaction. I’ve been showing signs of good recovery so the hope is that I tolerate it and begin to build up weight and strength. As I do that the nurses are weaning me of off my breathing tube again too.

It’s nice to be eating solid(ish) foods again. Still no pizza or buffalo wings though.