
Nana came to visit. Mommy says she’s staying forever. I don’t know what I think of that. On the one hand I love her. On the other hand she spends time talking to Zachary. Maybe I should be cuter? No. That can’t be right. Maybe I can figure it out after I finish up lunch.





Heisman Henry!

Or is it Henry Heisman? I guess it doesn’t matter since my mommy says no football for me. Maybe I’ll play basketball instead. Or join the debate team. Or star in the theater. So many choices! It’s making me tired. I’m just going to close my eyes and think about it for a while… zzzzzz…







Captain’s Log. Star Date 06042016.

I have been amongst these people for over a week now. Their behaviors are strange and unpredictable. They spend a lot of time not eating and not sleeping. It would seem that their leader is the small fuzzy one. When he yells the others respond. It’s a strange hierarchy and one I must study. I can already tell that this primitive ways of these people are going to have to change before Zachary can join their tribe.  Log entry out.

Zzzzzzzzzzzz is for Zachary!

What can I say? I’m living the good life. People feed me. People bathe me. People clothe me. People hold me close while I sleep. I’m taking advantage of all they have to offer here! I’ve put on several pounds in the last few weeks and now weigh nearly 9 1/2 pounds. If you haven’t seen me in a while you probably wouldn’t recognize me now.

I still have my feeding tube in, unlike Henry. Mommy, daddy, and the nurses keep trying to get me to take my entire meal by bottle and I keep falling asleep halfway through. I can’t help it. I just like to sleep. Sleep is where I’m a viking!

Just about the only bad thing about this place is the papa… papa… paparazzi (that’s a big word). Every time I open my eyes there is a camera in my face. Can’t a guy just get some peace and quiet?! Anyway, I’ve got some dreams to catch up on. Good night.