Two Weeks? Two Weeks!

Yesterday I turned two weeks old. Look how excited I am! Mommy and daddy didn’t visit. They were at home stocking the nursery and letting mommy recover. She seems to be getting better every time I see her!

As for me, I’m making some great progress. I’m past most, if not all, of the early exams and tests and I passed them all! My meals keep getting bigger and I am putting on weight. I now weigh 2lbs 10oz again. I lost some weight immediately after birth which is normal for all newborns. It’s great news for me that I am handling my food and gaining weight. It’s bad news for dad. He has to change my poopy diapers. Poor dad.




Breathe In. Breath Out.

Remember when I explained all of my wires and tubing to you? I mentioned that the oxygen tubes into my nostrils helps me when I sometimes forget to breathe. Well, recently I’ve been forgetting more often. This isn’t abnormal for a man my age and even though there is no sign of infection the nurses have started me on an antibiotic just in case. That’s how I got the nifty leg attachment. It ensures I don’t flex my foot and move the IV around. Henry had one a while ago and everything he can do I can do better!

On a more positive note my bilirubin levels have remained low ever since my light treatment was stopped and the nurse said I’m fully off the blue light now!

Are you my daddy?

In case you thought Henry was the only one to escape his isolette I present proof to you that I can do anything he can do. Here I am with my daddy. He’s a very handsome man. I hope I grow up to be just like him!

That tape on my nose helps keep my oxygen tubes in. I like to pull on them because why not?






Big Foot

They say you can tell a lot about a man by the size of his feet. I think mine say that I’m going to be an explorer. And a troublemaker.








Head Massage

I got a head massage today. It was very relaxing. The nice nurse put some warm hair gel on my head and then rubbed it in gently with massage wand. It felt wonderful. I hope they do that every day.

Later the nurse told mommy and daddy that it was an “ultra sound” and that it revealed no bleeding inside of my head. Mommy and daddy were excited.

Brain Waves

We had ultrasounds done on our heads today. Zachary can tell you all about the experience. The important thing is that mine came back negative. No blood in my brain. Noice.