Look Ma, No Lights!

They took away my light treatment. I’m getting more independent! Also, check out my sweet blanket. My Great Aunt Joann made this for me. Thanks Flipper!








More Cowbell Please

I have an infection. Oh no! I wasn’t showing any symptoms. This was a standard check. But they caught it quickly and have started me on three antibiotics.

The doctor said that if the infection were a person they currently know that it’s is an “asian male”. They drew more blood to run tests to help determine the heigh, weight, and eye color of the “asian male” so that they can identify it. Once they have these additional details they will be able to identify it and cut back to a single antibiotic.

The doctors are also going to do a spinal tap to see if it has spread into my spinal fluid and brain. This isn’t as scary as it sounds. If it has spread then I need to be on the antibiotics an extra week.

Outside The Box

I’m doing very well and as a reward Mommy took me out of my isolette and held me for an hour! It was very nice and warm and comforting. I could hear her voice and heartbeat and I enjoyed the motion of her breathing. This is called kangaroo care. It helps with my breathing, sleeping, and weight gain. I’m going to be big and strong some day!






All Tuckered Out

[fvplayer src=”http://www.zachary.buchholz.news/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/16-03-05_20-01-36.mp4″ width=”267″ height=”150″ splash=”http://www.zachary.buchholz.news/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/16-03-05_20-01-36_splash.png”]

It’s been a long day. Good night!

Do A Little Dance

[fvplayer src=”http://www.henry.buchholz.news/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/16-03-05_20-00-23.mp4″ width=”150″ height=”267″ splash=”http://www.henry.buchholz.news/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/16-03-05_20-00-23_splash.png”]

I was just so happy to be here and couldn’t stop myself. I had to dance!

First Family Visit

Mommy and daddy came to visit! Too bad I was exhausted from the events of the day and slept through it.

You might be wondering about some of the cool wearable technology you see on me. The glowing attachment on my foot monitors my oxygen levels. The heart shaped sticker on my stomach monitors my body heat. And the tubes in my nose give me supplemental oxygen. I’ve been on very low levels of supplemental oxygen since my birth! Oh, it also reminds me to breathe when I forget (which is normal for someone my age).

Some of the other wires you see monitor my heart rate and blood pressure as well as feed me. So far they haven’t put any pizza or buffalo wings down my feeding tube. I’m sure they’ll be on the menu soon.

Mommy Dearest

Mommy said hi to Henry first because there was a nurse caring for me when she came down. I was jealous. It was euphoric when she finally said ‘Hi’ to me. Her touch was soft and comforting. I love my mommy.







This Is My Isolette

This is my isolette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My isolette is my best friend. It is my life. For now.

The isolette does two things for me. One of the wires on my body, the heart shaped one in fact, monitors my temperature. When I’m too warm the isolette cools down and when I’m too hot it warms up. It is also kept very humid, about 70% humidity, to help keep my skin moist and comfortable. The humidity will begin to be reduced in a week or two.

I have as many wires as my brother! He can tell you about most of them. The important thing is that I am breathing on my own and tolerating my food. You may have noticed that I have some pretty cool leg armor. Rest assured, there is nothing wrong with my leg. I have a temporary IV in my leg and this help remind me to keep my leg straight.

I met mommy!

At 6:28pm I met mommy! She spent the day recovering from my birth and I had to wait patiently for her to be strong enough to visit me. She’s sweet and pretty. I love her already.