Doing Work

Another day older, another day wiser. This getting bigger thing is tiring work! I fed with mommy again today and now I’m all tuckered out. Things have been pretty uneventful – in a good way. I haven’t done much over the past few days besides get more food through my feeding tube, learn more about feeding with mommy, and get weighed. I’m over 5 1/2 lbs now and by the end of May I could be over 8 if I keep eating well. That would be amazing!

The nurse says I have another big meal coming soon. I had better rest up!











Just another chill day hangin’ in the crib. Things are going very well. I’ve been spending a lot of time with mommy learning how to eat properly. And daddy has been holding me a lot too. I still have my supplemental oxygen though. Hopefully that doesn’t last too much longer.


I am off all breathing assistance (the CPAP machine)! Yay! I don’t even need supplemental oxygen like Zachary. And I passed my hearing test! Zachary has to go back for another test. Not me! Things are really starting to look up for me. .

Like Zachary, I am also learning how to feed properly and this means spending a lot of time with Mommy. I like that. I have another eye exam tomorrow so I’m going to get some rest now.






All Thumbs

You know how you can tell that I am doing well? While recovering I managed to sneak my thumb out of my hand wrap and into my mouth. It helps me calm myself down. And it looks cute. So there.

I’ll be fully recovered from this silly infection before you know it!




Behind Bars

It seems like I have something new to share nearly every day now. And I have so much to share today. Where do I start?

I’m in a crib! The team has decided that I no longer need any of the fancy gizmos attached to the isolette and got me this new bed. I’m not sure why I’m so excited. The bars block the view and it’s noisier. But everyone else is excited so I am too! Mommy says this means that I am getting closer to coming home. I can’t wait to see my home.

Also, I am over 5 pounds now. Look at how tight my clothes are getting. This outfit was big on me just a couple of weeks ago! Now I can’t even straighten my legs.









Ups And Downs

It has been a while since I last wrote to you. Rest assured, I have not forgotten about you. I had to conserve my energy to fight off an infection I picked up on Tuesday. It’s been a week full of pokes, prods, and discomfort. The doctors started antibiotics immediately. Even before running any tests. The tests were the same as the first time I had an infection. Blood tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, and a spinal tap. The x-rays and ultrasounds showed some air in my intestine that is a sign of infection. None of the blood tests or spinal tap came back with anything though. Earlier today the doctors finished up the last of the tests and have prescribed rest with full confidence that I will be back to my normal self in a few days. So look for me to be back posting selfies then!

Visiting Day

Today was another visiting day! Grandma came to see and hold me. She spent a lot of time with Henry too, helping to comfort him because he’s a bit sick. It’s nice to have visitors. I like getting out of my isolette.

The other big news is that yesterday I started my feeding training. If I am ever going to get out of the NICU and eventually go home I have to get this feeding tube out and be able to feed myself. Since I have been doing so well mommy started to help me learn. The nurses closed the curtains and we had a quiet moment. I could tell mommy was pleased with how well I did because she told daddy that I ‘hit a grand slam’.